Capacity Flour (kg)


Dough Capacity (kg)


Boiler Diameter (mm)


Length (mm)


Width (mm)


Height (mm)


Electrical Power (kw)


Machine Weight (kg)




SARYA 1004 Industrial kneading machine is an equipment generally used in the food industry. Its main function is to knead, mix and shape dough or similar materials. These machines are often used in large-scale production facilities and can be found in many industrial kitchens.

The main features of industrial kneading machines are:

  • Kneading and Mixing: The machine kneads the dough or mixtures and ensures that the ingredients are distributed homogeneously.

  • Automatic Processing: These are machines that can generally work automatically. They may stop after a certain period of time or when a certain stage is completed.

  • Production in Various Capacities: Industrial kneading machines can operate in different capacities, from small quantities to large batches.

  • Durability and Reliability: Since they are designed for industrial use, they are generally durable and long-lasting.

  • Suitability for Various Applications: They can mix and shape dough, flour, water, and other ingredients, so they can be used to produce different types of bread products.


    Things to Consider When Purchasing a Production Line

    Customer approval is required after SARYA 1002 production is completed. The customer tests the relevant machine at the factory and approves it for shipping. Shipping processes begin after approval is received.

    Yes. Since shipping costs vary from day to day, our price quotes are offered to customers excluding shipping.

    We work with cash payment methods in Turkey and abroad. We request payment through methods such as cash, check or LC, with the first payment throughout the delivery process and the final payment at the end of delivery.

    Since the machine is personal, returns are not accepted. It happens that your business goes wrong, we help you sell your product again.

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